Thursday, January 10, 2019

Tips on Recognizing Types of Jewelry Chains

No jewelry collection is really complete without a jewelry chain. The chains, which can be used alone or with a pendant, offer different styles for men and women. If you are looking for some modern chains and necklaces, here's a good guide on how to recognize all popular chains.

The chain "Box". The appearance of a cash chain is square. The links look like small boxes or squares. These links create a smooth, perfectly square chain. The Venetian chain is another common name for that kind of chain.

The chain of "wheat". A jewelry chain with a wheat pattern is constructed with ovals that have been slightly twisted. To create an intricate necklace, these links are connected and interlaced. When finished, the design gives a woven look.

The chain "Rolo". One of the most characteristic chain styles is a rolo. As a string of donuts, the perfect circular links of the image come together. They can be made using large or small links to create a subtle or fat look.

The chain "Pearl". How do you see a chain of accounts? It's like an account! They look like metal beads connected to a single metal strand. Generally, there are small spaces between each account link.

The string of "rope". Of course it is called it because it looks like the string. It consists of at least two continuous chains attached as one. Look closely at each chain and you will see that each chain consists of ten or more smaller metal strands. It looks like a piece of string when everyone is crooked.

The "Byzantine" chain. Another popular jewelry chain is the Byzantine chain; At first glance, it looks like a random mess of woven metal, but much is thought of the construction. This jewelry chain does not seem to have a pattern, though. Imagine small circular shapes so intimately mixed that they are hardly visible, a bit like a tangle of birds nest. That kind of chain is called the Byzantine style.

The chain "snake". Snake chains have a serpentine look. The connections have a small curve in the middle of them, and they look a bit like scales. This is a common choice of necklace for men.

The chain of "mesh". This jewelry chain looks like a mask you can also buy some more link chains by visiting Midwest Jewellery - can you believe it? It is a little wider than the usual types of chains. The small, twisted circular connections are intertwined in a nice way, often at least five small links wide and lying flat.

There are many more jewelry chains not listed here. But these are some of the most common chains you can see when shopping. Many times, online images of necklaces or chains are not clear. Then read these descriptions and you should be well-informed and able to compare the popular jewelry chains without any problems.

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